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Saturday 29 November 2014

Abu Simbel Archaeological Site

Abu Simbel is the name given to two huge rock temples located in south Egypt about 290 km south west of Aswan. This is an archeological site and it is now registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. They are also called the Nubian Monuments. The history of these temples dates back to the 13th century when they were carved out of a mountainside. The entire monument was relocated in 1960 on an artificial hill.
The reason the monuments were shifted is because they were gradually drowning in Lake Nasser. This lake was a huge artificial reservoir that was made by the Nile River and Aswan Dam. The Abu Simbel attracts a lot of tourists every year as it is the most visited spot in Egypt.
The temple took almost 20 years to complete. It is a dedication to three different gods, namely the Ra-horakhty, Ptah and Rameses. The Abu Simbel is considered one of the most beautiful and sacred temples in all of Egypt. Every statue in the temple has Ramesses II on a throne and he is donning the double crown of both the Upper and the Lower Egypt. One of the statues at the entrance once got damaged due to earthquake.
The entire temple is marked as a courtyard and enclosed on the north and south side by walls. The Abu Simbel is known for its beauty, mystery and architectural knowledge. Most of the visitors who are on the expedition to explore Egypt come to visit this Temple.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

St. Mark’s Basilica in Venice

Saint Mark’s Basilica is a cathedral located on St. Mark’s Square in the city of Venice, Italy. It is one of the attractive cathedrals in the city and it is famous for its uniqueness in terms of the design and the magnificent interior as well as being an example of the Byzantine architecture. Many years ago, however, it did not serve as a cathedral. In fact, it was a chapel for the Venetian City and its rulers. Since the 11th century onwards, the cathedral was known by the nickname “Church of Gold,” or “Chiesad’Oro” in Italian.
The entire cathedral of St. Mark has had both European and Italian artists working on it. That is one of the reasons why it displays the beauty and designs from both cultures. St. Mark’s Basilica is known for its artistic, iconographic as well as religious content and some have described it as being a masterpiece of Gothic sculpture and art. The entire top ceiling is covered with beautiful mosaic colors of gold and bronze, giving it a very bright and lit effect.
The current basilica is the third cathedral that was built on the place because it is where Saint Mark’s body was located. It is divided into three main segments – the lower segment, the upper segment, and the domes. The interior of the cathedral depicts the Greek cross and every arm is divided into three naves.

Monday 24 November 2014

Florence and Its Cityscape

The city of Florence is the capital of Tuscany, a region in central Italy. The city is situated on the river Arno and is known for its interesting history, art and architecture. Over a period of five years, from 1865 to 1870, it was also declared the capital of Italy. The City of Florence has been a part of the World Heritage Site since 1982.
Florence is one of the most attractive tourist destinations in Italy mainly because of its cityscape. One reason why area is so special is that from the 16th century to present day it has lured many artistic masters like Leonardo da Vinci.
Some of the major attractions of the city are the Duomo cathedral, the Florentine skyline and the Loggia dei Lanzi, to name a few. The Palazzo Vecchio Tower bell tower is another icon that has outstanding tourist appeal. The Ponte Vecchio, of the 14th century is another landmark that adorns the city of Florence.
Florence is certainly known for its artistic past. Almost all great Italian artists spent time in this city. The entire area lights up during the evening like a beautiful painting on canvas. Most visitors to Florence come mainly to experience the history, the museums, and the culture normally associated with this centrally located Italian location

Saturday 22 November 2014

Moscow Kremlin

The Moscow Kremlin, also called the Kremlin, is a castle that is situated at the heart of Moscow. It has four palaces and four cathedrals and it is the official residence of the president of Russia.
The great Kremlin Palace is one of the biggest castles in all of Russia. It has a very stunning combination of yellow and white with a green rooftop. The golden color adds an appearance of wealth to the entire palace. The palace was initially built in 1462 during the rule of Ivan the Terrible, but was rebuilt in 1837 by King Nicholas I because of the extensive damage that was done to it during wartime. During the 18th century, the construction came to a halt as the entire Russian capital moved to St. Petersburg. It was in the 1740s when an Italian architect was hired by Queen Elizabeth to complete the Kremlin and the construction began once again.
The Kremlin Palace was built to extend the Russian autocracy. The best architects were hired to perform the splendid job and they came up with a fine piece of art. The dimensions of the palace are massive. The total length of the palace is 125 meters and the height is 47 meters. It covers a total of 25,000 square meters. The whole building has nine churches from the 14th through 17th centuries with more than 700 rooms in it. The west side of the palace was for the royal family. Just like many other palaces, this one is also off limits to public viewing.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Varanasi and Ganges River

Varanasi, also known locally as Banaras is situated on the banks of the river Ganges in utter Pradesh, India. It is also called as the city of lights and is known to be one of the most sacred places for many Hindus. It is also said that this city is one of the oldest in the entire world.
The river Ganges is known for its outing and the city has also chosen its culture based on the rivers purity and religious belief. Most of the prominent poets, writers and philosophers have been born in this part of the city. It is said that the entire city is blessed by gods, making it all the more popular for the common man of India. In fact, the origin of Ayurveda has also been associated with Varanasi. Followers of the Hindu community call this place the religious capitol of India. One can find thousands and thousands of temples in this city.
According to legend, the city was found some 5000 years ago by lord Shiva and thus is one of seven pilgrim destinations for Hindus. The city of Varanasi is known for its Ghats. It is said that the city owns almost 100 Ghats, some of them being owned privately. Some of the famous ghats of Varanasi are the Dashawamedh Ghat, the Manikarnik Ghat, Harishchandra Ghat and the Mana Mandir Ghat.It is estimated that more the 1,000,000 pilgims visit the city on a yearly basis. It is a belief that bathing the river Ganges will wash away all your sins.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Lijiang River and Its Cruise

The Lijiang River is also called the Li River in China. It begins in the Mao’er Mountains and winds its way for many miles through natural scenic beauty and thick bamboo forests with amazingly strange rocky formations. The river then runs south to the county of Pingle where it combines with two other streams.
If you decide to go on a cruise down the river, the entire boat trip takes a total of seven hours. With the help of a good guide, you can learn a lot about the beauty of the river and the history that surrounds it. The journey includes sites such as Pierced Hill, Clean Vase Hill and Embroidery Hill.
Some of the best places to view during a planned holiday tour to the Li River are the Reed-Flute Rock, Seven Stars Park, Mountain of Splendid Hues, Elephant-Trunk Hill and Lingqu Canal. The scenic beauty of Li River in Guilin is used as a common backdrop for a lot of landscape paintings and is the topic of many poems. Common sights on the river include bamboo boats, fishermen and water buffalo. The beauty of the Li River is so mesmerizing that it attracts visitors from all over the world.

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Shwedagon Pagoda in Yangon

The Shwedagon Pagoda, also called the Golden Pagoda, is found in Yangon, Myanmar, just west of the Kandawgyi Lake on the Singuttara Hill. The exact height of the Stupa is 321.5 feet and legend states that it was built more than 2,500 years ago, probably during the time of Buddha. But since it was completed, it has been damaged and even destroyed several times by earthquakes and other natural disasters. The initial reason for building the Shwedagon Pagoda was to create a shelter for several strands of Buddha’s hair. Today, the Burmese consider this pagoda to be the most religious one in the region.
One reason why the Shwedagon is so special is because its spire is made up of a thick layer of gold along with thousands of diamonds, rubies, and precious gems embedded in it. The residents of Myanmar contributed gold to the structure to ensure that would be properly maintained. That practice started when the queen of Shin Sawbu donated gold that was equal to her own weight to the building project.
Visitors can access the Shwedagon Pagoda from all four sides of the hill, but they must remove their shoes before stepping inside. On the east and south sides, one can see vendors selling different kinds of items like the flags, books, and images of Buddha. A pair of lions guards the entrance to the Shrine.

Monday 17 November 2014

Sahara Desert: Hottest Desert in the World

The Sahara Desert is the largest and hottest desert in the world. Temperatures can reach as high as 57.7 degrees Celsius, or 135.8 degrees Fahrenheit. It is spread over more than 9,000,000 square km (3,630,000 square miles) as it covers most of North Africa and is as big as the United States. Scientists, however, say this desert expands and shrinks over time. In fact, records show that the Sahara Desert grows southward by about 48 km each year.
The desert starts at the Red Sea, spreads across the Mediterranean, and even over to the Atlantic Ocean. It touches 12 African nations, including Egypt, Chad, Algeria, Eritrea, Libya, Morocco, Niger, Mauritania, Mali, Sudan, Western Sahara, and Tunisia.
Life in the Sahara Desert can be very difficult to sustain due to its climate. It receives less than three inches of rain every year. Rainfall can range from twice in one week to an extreme of no rainfall over the next three years. Oases are scattered throughout this desert. However, the size of the desert makes it difficult to trace where they are located.
Dunes throughout the desert can measure as high as 600 feet. The typical animals found here include domestic camels and goats. As far as the wildlife is concerned, it is common to see scorpions, monitor lizards, sand vipers, wild dogs, ostriches, cheetahs and more. The only types of birds that are visible are African Silver Bills and Black-throated Firefinch.

Sunday 16 November 2014

Leaning Tower of Pisa

The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a free standing bell tower of the cathedral of Pisa in Italy. The Tower is located behind the cathedral and is said to be the third oldest structure in Pisa. The tower was made to stand straight, however immediately after it was constructed, it started leaning towards the south east. This was due to a poorly laid foundation and a substrate that allows the foundation to favor one direction.
The total height of the tower is 186.27 feet from the ground towards the lower side and 186.02 feet on the higher side. Its wall width at the bottom is measured at over 13 feet and the walls are 8 feet thick at the top. The tower’s total weight is 14,500 metric tons and has 296 steps on the south side and 294 steps on the north facing side.
The Tower Of Pisa was built over a period spanning from 1173 to 1372 and was constructed in three different phases. It was in 1178 when the Leaning Tower of Pisa had three floors that the tower started to sink. The reason was that only a three meter foundation had been used upon unbalanced soil. Essentially, the design was flawed from the beginning. Construction was halted for almost a century as the city was in a continuous state of war. The soil eventually settled, otherwise, the tower was sure to topple over.

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Baalbek & Its Ruined Temples

Baalbek is a small town situated in the Bakaa Valley, Lebanon. The city has made a name of its own because of the monumental ruined temples during the Roman period. During that time, Baalbek was called the Heliopolis, which was one the biggest sanctuaries. This is said to be one of the greatest wonders of the ancient world and one of the best built of the Roman dynasty. These are still preserved as the best piece of art by the Romans.
Some of the gods that are worshipped here are the Harmony of Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and others. The city serves as the venue for the festival called Baalbek International that happens once a year. Almost 85 km from the northeast is the city of Beirut. The Baalbek temple is said to be one of the holiest and peaceful places and it is the biggest stone construction in the entire world.
The origin of the Baalbek is still unknown and different scholars have different thoughts about its origin. Baal means “lord” and this label was given to deity of the sky. It means the Bekaa Valley’s god. Baalbek is also the place of birth of Baal. Most of the tourists in the Lebanon city come here to visit the Baalbek. It is also said that the admiration of Baal is the amalgamation form of the god Jupiter, who was then called the Heliopolitian. It is said that the history of Baalbek is rooted to 5000 years ago. A lot of tourists visit this place because of the spirituality that is attached to it.

Monday 10 November 2014

Mont Saint-Michel

Located in Normandy, France, Mont Saint-Michel (also known as Lee Mont St-Michel) is a rocky island that is famous for being the home for the medieval Benedictine Abbey and church. It was used primarily during the 6th and the 7th century as a stronghold of the Romano and British culture.
One of the stories of legend about Mont Saint-Michel is that the archangel Michael once came to St. Aubert, the bishop of Avranches, and asked him to make a church on this rocky island. However, Aubert kept ignoring him until Michael burned a hole in his skull by using only his finger. In October 709, the oratory, or place of worship, was finally constructed and dedicated to St. Michel. It is believed that St. Aubert is buried there.
In the 11th century, an Italian architect designed the Roman church building of the Benedictine Abbey that was constructed on the mount. There are numerous underground crypts and chapels which help balance the weight of the building and keep the structure supported on the ground.
In 2006, France announced that it would begin building a hydraulic dam that would remove silt surrounding the Mont Saint-Michel to make it into an island once again. The project began in 2009 and was completed by 2013. Tours of the Mont Saint-Michel are available and they typically average between 35 and 45 minutes in length.

Sunday 9 November 2014

Topkapi Palace in Istanbul

The Topkapi Palace is located in Istanbul, Turkey. The construction of the palace began in 1459 by Sultan Mehmed II and at its peak, it housed more than 4,000 people. From 1465 to 1853, it was the official residence of the Ottoman Sultans. In 1924, it was converted into a museum and was under the direct supervision of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. In 1985, the palace became a part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.
This palace has four different courtyards along with several other small buildings. Over the years, it has seen many changes, expansions, and destruction due to natural calamities like earthquakes and fires. By the 17th century, the palace was being ignored by the sultanates because they were spending more time in the newer palaces. The Topkapi Palace was only serving as a mosque, a library, an imperial treasury and other minor functions throughout that time period and beyond.
In 1924, the Turkish government decreed that the Topkapi Palace be turned into a museum. Today, the palace is a major tourist attraction which houses several collections, including Islamic manuscripts, weapons, robes, murals and even miniatures. It is operated by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and only a small section of the palace is open to the public.

Saturday 8 November 2014


Stonehenge is a prehistoric and a mystical monument that is located in the county of Wiltshire, England, about 3.2 km west of Amesbury. The Stonehenge structure is a formation of stones in a circular fashion that are standing upright. The construction of this monument started more than 5000 years ago and many tourists and visitors are amazed that they are still standing in place after such a long time.
Scholars have different theories about Stonehenge. Some say that the stones were initially erect; it was only after 2400 BC that they changed positions. Others say that the blue stones could have been the ones that were erected. Others believe the structure was built as a place of worship because all the stones are placed perfectly with the sunrise.
The site of Stonehenge is also another addition to the UNESCO and it has been a part of the World Heritage Sites since 1986. It is also protected by the Scheduled Ancient Monument and managed by English Heritage. The land on which Stonehenge is located is held by the National Trust.
Recent evidence has shown that Stonehenge has served as a burial ground from its beginning. Research shows that there are people buried there dating all the way back to 3000 BC. The huge stone formation and its mysterious past are a couple reasons why nearly 8,000,000 people visit this landmark every year.

Thursday 6 November 2014

Angel Falls, The Highest Waterfall in the World

Angel Falls of Venezuela is the highest waterfall in the world. Its total height is 3,212 feet (979 m) and drops from height of 2,647 feet (807 m). The waterfall is located in the Canaima National Park of the Bolivar State. Since the water falls from such a great height, the water is vaporizes with the blow of the winds even before it touches the ground and generates mist.
The Angel’s water falls into the Churun River which is a tributary of the Carrao River. The Angel Falls, falls from the maximum height into the deepest place. On the west part of the Canaima National Park is the Auyantepuy, which is one of the biggest and largest flat mountains ending with the steep slope and has vertical walls. This is where the tepuy falls from. The total height of this mountain is close to 3000 feet. One can view the waterfall from 2 different places. The first option is to see it from the top, sitting in a small airplane and the other one is to see from the bottom, sitting in a boat approximately 3 hours of upstream navigation in the Carrao River and the Churun River. One would have to walk through the jungle that takes you to the bottom, or should we say, the base of the fall.
The waterfall were given a new name when an American aviator found it in the year 1037. It is said that if you ever get an opportunity in your life to visit the Angel Falls, do not ever miss it.

Monday 3 November 2014

Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming

The Yellowstone National Park was established by the United States Congress in 1872. It is located in Wyoming and extends to parts of Idaho and even Montana. It was the home of indigenous Americans, or Aboriginals, for 11,000 years, but today it is open to the public. There are many attractive qualities at this park, but it is mostly known for its variety of species and its geysers. It is also a great place for hikers, mountain climbers, and those who simply enjoy nature.
Yellowstone National Park covers a total area of 8,983 square kilometers and has several lakes, canyons, rivers and ranges of mountains. The Yellowstone Lake is one of the largest high-altitude lakes in all of North America. It also has an active volcano in it called the Yellowstone Caldera and has erupted with massive force many times in the past two million years. There is also an ecosystem in this park that is filled with birds, animals, and several endangered species.
Forest fires are a very common sight to see every year. In 1988, the largest fire that the park ever experienced destroyed almost a third of Yellowstone National Park.

Sunday 2 November 2014

Santorini, a Small Cluster of Islands

Santorini is a small cluster of three islands that were formed due to a volcanic eruption about 3,600 years ago. The islands are located in the southern section of Aegean Sea about 200 km from Greece’s mainland. This region is a destination that is world famous and attracts thousands of tourists who want to spend their vacation here. Several flights travel to Santorini City during the summer season, but visitors can also take a ferry service and enjoy the natural scenic beauty.
On one side of Santorini, visitors get a view of the local villages. This part of the city is highly

commercial and generates revenue for the entire island. On another side of the islands is the town of Perissa. This is where visitors find black sand beaches which are popular places for many tourists. The third part of the city is called the Akotiri and it includes the ruins of the Minoan Period. Although this section is not popular among tourists, it is a well-known archeology site for researchers. In fact, legend has it that Santorini is the place where the civilization of Atlantis was once located.

Saturday 1 November 2014

Petronas Twin Tower in Kuala Lumpur

The Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, is among the top 10 tallest buildings in the world. At 451.9 meters (1,482.6 feet), the Petronas Twin Towers was considered the tallest building from 1998 to 2004 when measured from the base to the antenna, or spire.
The towers were designed and constructed by an Argentinean architect named Cesar Pelli. Planning for the towers officially began at the beginning of 1992 and construction began in March 1993. They were completed in the year 1998 on the site of the racetrack of Kuala Lumpur. Because of the depth of the bedrock at this location, the racetrack was an ideal location for the towers.
The Petronas Twin Towers had 22 fewer floors than the World Trade Center buildings in New York City (88 floors compared to 110 floors). They are based on the simple Islamic architecture where every floor is based on an eight point star and the overall area of the buildings is spread out over 100 acres. The bottom floor consists of a shopping mall with a wide variety of goods.
These towers are constructed from concrete, steel and glass with reinforced designs for added durability. A special kind of concrete was used because it was more reliable, but it also weighs twice as much as normal steel. Pouring the concrete was a major feat. This project holds the record for the longest pour in the nation’s history at 54 consecutive hours of pouring for each tower.