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Monday 23 March 2015

Karnak Temple Near Luxor

Karnak Temple is located in a small ancient village in Egypt called al-Karnak. The village is situated on the Nile river’s banks about 2.5 kilometers north from Luxor. The Karnak Temple is twice as big as the village area and has become the village’s most popular attraction. The temple is now an enormous open-air museum, as well as one of the biggest ancient religious sites worldwide. The Karnak Temple is Egypt’s second most visited site of historical value, next to the Pyramids of Giza.
The temple has four main parts, the largest portion is the only one which is accessible to the general public. Aside from the other three parts, there are a few other sanctuaries and temples located on the outside of the enclosing walls. There are also many statues of sphinxes with ram heads that connect the Precinct of Mut, the Luxor Temple, and the Precinct of Amon-Re.
The major difference between the Karnak Temple and many of the other sites in Egypt is how long the temple took to develop, as well as how long it was used. The construction of the temple started during the 16th century B.C. About 30 pharaohs gave a contribution to the buildings, which enabled it to reach a diversity, complexity, and size that is not seen anywhere else in the world.

Saturday 21 March 2015

Teotihuacán Pyramids in the Valley of Mexico

Teotihuacán is a sacred site that is about 30 miles northeast from Mexico City, Mexico. This is a very popular area to visit from the city, as these ruins are among Mexico’s most remarkable sites. Some historians consider them to be amongst the most important in the world. Teotihuacán was built about 300 AD and is characterized by enormous monuments that have been carefully laid out based on symbolic and geometric principles.
The Temple of Quetzalcoatl is one of its most monumental structures, located in the center of the area. It boasts fine decoration and lavish offerings. The front of the temple has large, finely carved serpent heads that jut out from feathered collars that are carved into its stone walls. This temple has a pyramid built on top of it called the Feathered Serpent Pyramid. Here over 200 ceremonially buried warriors’ skeletons have been found by archaeologists.
The Pyramid of the Sun is positioned on the Avenue of the Dead’s east side. It is the third biggest pyramid in the world and the largest pyramid that has been restored in the Western Hemisphere. This structure has not been completely understood yet, but it is built over a sacred cave that has the shape of a four leaf clover. The first part of the Pyramid was built about 100 BC and was completed 400 years later.
The Pyramid of the Moon faces the northern plaza and has no discovered features in its interior. It is smaller than its neighboring pyramid but appears to be the same since it is built on higher ground. This pyramid seems to have been built in a pattern to reflect the sacred Cerro Gordo Mountain to the north.

Saturday 21 February 2015

Banaue Rice Terraces in Ifugao

The Banaue Rice Terraces of the Philippines have been deemed the 8th wonder of the world. They were carved from the hillside by the tribes people of Ifugao about 2,000-3,000 years ago. The tribes people dug them out with their bare hands and crude implements. Doing so they created steps in the hills where they could plant their rice. The rice terraces are still used to this day.
The terraces are considered to be one of the greatest engineering feats of mankind. If each one were connected end to end, then they would reach halfway across the globe or be 10 times as long as the Great Wall of China. It was not until 1995 that the Banaue Rice Terraces were declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
The rice terraces are like stepping stones stretching towards the sky. Some of them reach almost 5,000 feet in altitude and cover about 4,000 square miles of land. They are now beginning to show signs of erosion, and some of the terraces need maintenance. Many of the Ifugaos’ newer generations are migrating to nearby cities in search of better opportunities work opportunities as a result.
Even though it is about eight or nine hours from Manila traveling by car, the Banaue rice terraces are known to be one of the most spectacular places to see in the Philippines. They have transformed the Cordillera mountains’ barren stone into ledges that are fit to grow rice.

Bora Bora in the Leeward Islands

Bora Bora is an island within the Leeward Islands of the French Polynesia in the Pacific Ocean and is located about 140 miles northwest from Papeete. The island is completely surrounded by a barrier reef and a lagoon, which makes it a vacationing paradise for holiday travelers and tourists. At the island’s center, one can find remnants from a volcano that is now extinct and rises with two peaks, Mount Otemanu and Mount Pahia, where the highest point is 2,385 feet high. The original name of Bora Bora was given from the Tahitian language, which is better translated as Pora Pora.
Bora Bora was first sighted in 1722, but then located again in 1769 and settled in 1777. Today, tourism is a big part of the island, where many resorts have been constructed on the small island that surrounds the lagoon of the Bora Bora. The first bungalows over the water were built about 30 years ago on stilts by the Hotel Bora Bora. Now the overwater bungalows have become a standard feature for most of the resorts on the island.
Most of the island’s tourist destinations are centered around aquatic activities, but there are still some attractions to see on land. Some of the aquatic activities include scuba diving and snorkeling around or in the lagoon. There are many species of stingrays and sharks that live in the water, and some of the diving operators actually offer tourists the chance to dive with the manta rays or feed the sharks.

Saturday 14 February 2015

Potala Palace at Lhasa

The Potala palace in Lhasa, Tibet is located on what is called the Red Hill and was built by King Songtsen Gampo during the seventh century. It was struck by lightning and devastated by war which led to its destruction. However, the fifth Dalai Lama, in 1645, rebuilt the palace again. Since then, it has become the political center of Tibet. The Potala Palace actually has two palaces in it, the Red and the White Palace. The red one signifies religion and the white one is a ministerial building. This place is known for its complex construction, huge buildings, peaceful atmosphere and numerous works of art.
Once you enter the palace from the east. It takes you to the main courtyard where the Dalai Lama used to watch the Tibetan Opera. The White Palace was called the Winter Palace and the white color signified peace, calmness and togetherness. The largest hall in the White Palace is on the fourth floor, the living quarters and the offices are on the fifth floor. The Potala Palace has a beautiful Balcony that faces Lhasa.
The Red Palace exists in the middle of the Potala Palace and after the fifth Dalai Lama died, it was painted in a red color that signifies power and dignity. The walls of the Red Palace have many Buddhists stories written on them. It has three chapels. The North chapel is dedicated to the Dali lama, Buddha and his medicines. The East chapel is dedicated to the Indian monk who introduced Buddhism in Tibet. The West chapel is said to be the most luxurious chapel as it has 3,000 kg of gold and foil with hundreds and thousands of gems and pearls

Jerusalem Old City

Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and also the largest city in the country. Jerusalem Old City is said to be the oldest and the holiest city in the world. It has a history that spans back to the fourth millennium BC. The old city is full of sites that are holy and thus attract countless pilgrims from all over the world. Jerusalem is claimed to be sacred by the three major religions. It is believed by many that anyone who is a Christian, Jewish or Muslim must once pay a visit to this holy place. The old city is filled with countless temples and ruins that any tourists can visit. The old city of Jerusalem has a very strong combination of Jewish and Arab culture.
The main attractions are found in the overcrowded city which includes some remains of the Roman dynasty. The Tower of David is where King David had his final resting place. But the main focal point of attraction is where Jesus is said to have been crucified.
Jerusalem Old City is also famous for the ‘Wailing Wall’ which was once called the Solomon temple. The wall has countless scribbled messages to God that are hidden in and around the stones. The wall is a very enchanting place for tourists to come and get a firsthand experience of some common Jewish rituals. The Dome of the Rock, located at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, is a shrine that represents the holiest place of the Islam religion. Muslims believe that the site is where the prophet Muhammad ascended into heaven.

Terracotta Warriors in Xi’an

The Terracotta Warriors and Horses were erected next to Qin Shi Huang’s burial site. Qin was the first emperor in China. It is a said in folklore that these warriors are real soldiers which were buried with him so that they could guard him in his afterlife.
The Terracotta civilization dates back to 210 BC but the site was discovered by farmers in 1974. The average height of this army ranges from 6 to 6.5 feet and they are standing in proper order of their roles. The soldier sculptures appear ready to go to the war and are all fully dressed with their weapons in hand. The generals are in the front, being the tallest, followed by acrobats, bowman and infantry soldiers. This site is breathtaking and is considered one of the wonders of the world. In total, there are over 8,000 soldiers, 130 chariots, 520 horses, and 150 cavalry horses. Much of the sculptures are still buried in the ground.
It is said that the statues were constructed by local craftsman. In total, eight different kinds of moulds were used to create the face. Clay was added to the mould to give a proper structure and facial expression. All of them vary in their height and hairstyle, depending on their rank. There are a total of four pits that are seven meters deep. The fist pit is 230 meters long and has 8,000 figures. The ceiling is water proof and made of reed mats and wood.

Friday 13 February 2015

Serengeti Migration From Tanzania to Kenya

The Serengeti migration is a remarkable and impressive story. This migration takes place twice a year within Kenya and Tanzania and is considered one of the greatest migrations of wildlife on the planet.
During the month of October, almost two million herbivores travel from the northern hills to the southern plains. In April they return to the north by crossing the Mara River. This cycle is usually referred as the circular migration. The Serengeti is located in the eastern part of Africa.
The Serengeti is one of the ten natural travel wonders of the world. Its ecosystem is spread across 60,000 square kilometers. When the season changes, thousands of wild life, such as wildebeests and zebras, migrate to greener pasture for food and water. While migrating, some animals are able to make the journey and some die during the trip. When the animals are migrating, predators keep a close watch on them and seek out the weaker prey that can be killed for food.
The Serengeti has many national parks and animal reserves. Statistics show that the Serengeti has more than two million herbivores and thousands of carnivorous animals that take part in the migration. Some of the more common animals include blue wildebeests, gazelles, zebras and buffaloes.
The Serengeti migration is a treat for the tourists who love to be out in nature with wildlife. One can spend time in luxurious lodges and tented camps. There are well-guided nature walks and off-road tours in 4×4 vehicles. Going on a safari jeep expedition can give visitors close encounters with the animals.

The Pyramids of Giza

Egypt has more than 100 pyramids that are spread all over the country. These pyramid structures are made up of sandstone brick. The pyramids were built for the rulers of Egypt. The first pyramid that was built in Egypt was the Pyramid of Djoser during the third dynasty.
The three most well-known Egyptian pyramids are the Pyramids of Giza. These pyramids were built on the outskirts of Cairo. They are located five miles from the old city of Giza which resides on the Nile River.
The Pyramid of Khufu at Giza is the largest Egyptian pyramid ever built. These pyramids are included as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The three are named the great pyramid of Khufu (Cheops), the pyramid of Khafre (Khafra) and the pyramid of Menkaure. The pyramid of Menkaure has three smaller pyramids that are right next to this main structure and are called the Queen’s Pyramids.
The pyramids at Giza attract great tourist attention every year. Out of all the three pyramids at Giza, only the pyramid of Khafre retains some parts of the originally polished limestone casing near its pinnacle. To the naked eye, the pyramid of Khafre looks to be the tallest, but in reality the pyramid of Khufu is the tallest of them all. Nearby, visitors can see the huge sculpture of the Great Sphinx. There are also many cemeteries and a village where the workers lived. The Pyramids of Giza are the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the World.

Friday 6 February 2015

Easter Island in the Southeastern Pacific Ocean

Easter Island is located 2,180 miles (3510 km) west of Santiago, Chile. This Island is full of charm and beauty and has a fascinating history. The island is popularly known for its monumental structures. Generations after generations of people lived here and left their distinctive mark on this Island.
Easter Island is also known for its beautiful stone statues call “moai” which are made of volcanic rock. There are nearly 1,000 stone statues within Easter Island and the purpose of the statues is a mystery. Historians say that perhaps the statues represent the gods or early ancestors. The biggest moai is said to be 10 meters tall and weight around 75 tons.
The island has many popular resorts, beaches and coastlines that spread over 4,000 kilometers. The weather varies from being either dry or wet because of the island’s Mediterranean Climate. Easter Island also has offers visitors a look at old Chilean architecture.
Most of the beaches have five star hotels and resorts with the latest state-of-the-art technology. Water sports are the center of attraction for many tourists, with surfing and fishing being among the most popular activities. Tourists can eat exotic seafood and drink expensive wine while staying on the island.

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Cappadocia in Nevsehir

Cappadocia is located in Nevsehir Province, in the middle of Turkey, and is 200 km long and 400 km wide. Almost three to four million years ago there was a volcanic eruption that shook the Central Anatolian Plateau and wiped everything from the land. This site is becoming a favorite tourist spot because of its rocky terrain, unique culture and history. Due to high sweeping winds, Cappadocia has interesting natural rock formations such as: inverted cones, chimneys and mushrooms. The people of the area cut into the soft rocks to create buildings. Cappadocia has many underground cities, churches and a beautiful landscape. Currently, there are more than fifty churches in this valley.
The name Cappadocia came from Persia and means “the land of fine horses.” It is believed that during the medieval period this area was used to breed animals. Cappadocia still has indigenous people that live there. Some of the areas have fallen under a conservation policy requiring that new houses be constructed out of stone to maintain the uniqueness and style of the region.

Monday 26 January 2015

Galapagos Islands

The enchanted Galapagos Islands are said to be one of the most peaceful and unique places on earth. Tourists find it very peaceful and enchanting to explore these wondrous islands. The island chain was formed by many underwater volcanic eruptions over a long period of time. The Galapagos Islands are situated on the equator and have a total population of 40,000 people. The islands are located in South America and the official language spoken there is Spanish. In fact, Galapagos is a Spanish word that means saddle.
The islands are located in the Pacific Ocean and are almost one thousand kilometers away from South America. There are 19 islands surrounded by numerous marine reserves. The location is also known as “the living museum” because of how it showcases evolution. Due to active volcanic eruptions and extreme isolation on the islands, new kinds of animal life evolved. For example, one can see evidence of the evolution of giant tortoises and the land iguana. Both of which are documented in Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution.
Even though the islands are located on the equator, water currents bring cold water to the islands, leading frequent rains all throughout the year. During the period from June to November the average temperature on the islands is 22 degrees Celsius. The temperature rises up to 2 more degrees from December to May with no winds but heavy rainfall. Some of the most visited islands are named Bartholomew, Culpepper, Hood, Narborough and Charles.

Thursday 22 January 2015

Fjords of Norway

Norway is a land of divine beauty that brings one closer to nature. It offers plenty for visitors to do including skiing and hiking. Norway has always been known for its scenic beauty highlighted by fjords, mountains and glaciers.
Fjords are defined as a very thin, long, and narrow bay in a valley made by the glaciers. Visiting the fjords of Norway is considered to be a great outing for tourists and locals alike. The best time to visit this place is from May through September.
Bergen, which was once the capital of Norway, is located between seven mountains that are called the Gateway of Fjords. Norway is very rich in its flora and has a storied historical past that attracts tourists from all across the globe.
Visitors come from many places to feel the thrill of traveling alongside cliffs as they pass by the fjords. The largest and most famous fjord in Norway is called the Sognefjord. It is 1,200 meters deep and 200 kilometers long. While visiting, one can see fresh waters, clear skies and bright vegetation.

Wednesday 21 January 2015

St. Peter’s Basilica

St. Peter’s Basilica is one of the four basilicas that Rome has. It is officially known as Basilica di San Pietro in Vatican and it is located in the Vatican City, Italy. This basilica is where St. Peter was buried. Since then, many popes have been buried in the basilica as well. St. Peter was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus and later became the Bishop of Rome. The church in the basilica has been standing in this site since the 4th Century. Because of its uniqueness, artistic beauty and historical association, St. Peter’s Basilica attracts many visitors and pilgrims.
St. Peter played a great role in establishing the Catholic Church. Peter was in the ministry for thirty years, after which he took a tour of the Rome. He was later executed in 64 A.D. when he was crucified upside down, as per his request, in what is now called St. Peter’s Square.
St. Peter’s Basilica is considered to be one of the holiest & the largest of all the Catholic Churches in Christendom. The main building is very impressive and stands 138 meters tall. Its passage is about 218 meter long. The interior artwork consists of the Pieta by Michelangelo, Papal Altar by Bernini and the Monument to the Stuarts by Canova.

Sunday 18 January 2015

Egyptian Museum in Cairo

The Museum of Egyptian Antiquities is located in Cairo, Egypt. It is considered to be a national treasure. The design of the grand museum was a consequence of an international competition. This competition was held by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The architecture of the museum is very complex and it offers visitors a visually pleasing scene. The museum provides an enchanting cultural and educational experience.
The aim of the museum is to represent and display the diversity and heritage of Egypt. The museum creates a great experience for tourists by helping them connect history to the present. The Museum of Egyptian Antiquities has one of the best artifact collections in the world.
The ground floor gives a vivid history of Ancient Egypt. Every month a new artifact or piece of art is featured for visitors to view. The museum also has very important items that are more than five thousand years old. In the far end of the museum, one can find material from the “heretic” pharaoh, also known as Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV). Tourists who have a genuine interests in learning about the Egypt culture must not miss this site.

Saturday 17 January 2015

Borobudur Temple in Magelang

Borobudur, located in Magelang of Central Java, Indonesia, is said to be the greatest Buddhist stupa. A stupa is a mound that is filled with Buddhist relics. Borobudur was built before 800 A.D. It is known for its decorations, statues, exceptional up keeping and conservation. It is one of the world’s most complex buildings.
The Borobudur stupa is very large and rests on a hill. The sculptures inside represent a solar model of the universe. One can walk through five kilometers of open corridors. Visitors start their journey from the base of the temple and move to the third and highest level where there are 72 statues of the Buddha and a large monument. The walkway leads to a small downhill area and through six square and circular terraces. The stupa is adorned with 2,676 panels and 504 Buddha statues. Borobudur is not only a shrine, but also dedication to Buddha.

The Borobudur site is now owned by the United Nations Educations, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the government of the Indonesia. Some signs suggest that this site was abandoned in the 14th century. This is one of the most visited sites in Indonesia. One of the main reasons why many of visitors come to this place is to see the giant sculpture of Buddha.

Friday 16 January 2015

Valley of the Kings

The Valley of the Kings is a magnificent area in Egypt located west of the Nile River. The region contains many tombs of the new kingdom and is divided into the west and the east valley. The east valley is more famous and attracts more visitors to it as it has most of the tombs. Visitors are often awed by the symmetry and magnificence of the tombs. Despite there being so many tombs, they each have their own uniqueness. It is almost impossible to see all of them. One of the special tombs is that of King Tutankhamen. A separate ticket is required to enter this famous tomb.
Not all the tombs are open for visiting at all times. Some are only used for special occasions and some of them are closed for restoration by the government. These tombs have undergone many changes in the past 500 years. Another tomb, Thutmose III’s, is in the East Valley and is one of the ancient tombs that has its own unique history. It was constructed in an oval shape and has paintings and carvings on the interior walls. There is a metal staircase that leads visitors down into the tomb.
Horemheb, Ramesses VI’s is yet another tomb that is worth visiting. So far almost 120 rooms have been discovered, however, they are not all open to the public. Although the ones that are accessible are certainly worth the visit.

Thursday 15 January 2015

Victoria Harbor in Hong Kong

The Hong Kong Harbor, now known as Victoria Harbor, is located in China between Hong Kong Island and the Kowloon Peninsula. The name was changed to Victoria Harbor to represent a fleet of ships that docked there that belonged to Queen Victoria. This harbor, due to its location in the south, was favored by the British to be used as one of the largest ports for trade. Over the years the shore has undergone enormous change.
People are attracted to the harbor because it offers a beautiful scenic view of Hong Kong. This area displays spectacular fireworks during the second night of the lunar year and thus is a very popular location for tourists and locals alike. It is also used for recreation like swimming and water polo.
Starting in 1970, Victoria Harbor experienced many years of bad pollution due to the quick expansion of the manufacturing sector. Because of this many activities in the bay ceased. Today the harbor is very well maintained by the government of China and Hong Kong attracts many new and old visitors. The harbor is also fully engaged in trade and is still the best and the largest harbor in Hong Kong.

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Sistine Chapel

The Sistine Chapel in Vatican City, Italy is one of the most famous chapels in the world. It is also the official home of the Pope. The chapel is the final stop that visitors make when they are taking a tour of the Vatican Museums.
The Chapel has garnered much attention because of its amazing and intricate architecture and artwork that was carved and painted by some of the greatest artists of all time. It has a 12,000 square foot painted ceiling, parts of which were painted by Michelangelo. The paintings depict the life of Christ and Moses and took two to three years to complete. Other artwork by Raphael can be seen within the chapel. Because of these paintings, and the building’s purpose, the Sistine Chapel is considered a very holy and special place.
The chapel in the Vatican City is famous for its many of conclaves, or rooms. The most popular uses of the Sistine Chapel are the masses on Christmas Eve and Easter. During these days Vatican City is crowded with tourists and locals looking to be a part of the ceremonies.

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Alhambra Palace

The Alhambra is a palace and fortress located in Granada, Spain. The entire fortress is made up of red clay. The fort is very complex in its architecture. It was built by Moorish who was a ruler in Southern Spain. The Fortress was made on a hilly terrain on the southeast side of the city. Today, the Alhambra is one of the main tourist attractions of Spain. Many years ago it was known to be a residential place of the Muslim rulers. It has some very intrinsic and beautiful Islamic architecture.
The total length of the Alhambra is 740 meters. The strongest walls are at the citadel. Other than the west side of the Alhambra, all the other walls are weak. In total, there are thirteen towers. A river divides the Granada Valley and the Alhambra Park runs parallel to the Monte Mauror.
The Alhambra is a true reflection of the ruler Nasrid Emirate of Granada. A lot of people have used this place as a refuge. This site has a very complex mix of both the natural and manmade features that are worth visiting for. The structure itself reflects the craftsmanship of Muslims.

Monday 12 January 2015

Louvre Museum

The Louvre is the national museum of France. It is situated in the capital city of Paris. The museum is considered by many to be the best in the world. The museum covers a total area of 652,300 square feet and has more than 35,000 objects placed in it. Due to its size and vast collection of art and artifacts it is impossible to see the entire museum in a couple of hours. The collection spans from the 6th century BC till the 19th century AD.
This museum was actually built as a living space for Philip II and some remains of its original form are still present. A lot of structural changes have been made to give the Louvre its present look. The museum was inaugurated in 1739. However, due to some infrastructural problems, it was shut down for a period of almost five years. Some of the most famous pieces of art that are displayed include Antonio Canova’s Psyche, the Venus de Milo, the Mona Lisa, as well as Egyptian, Greek, and Roman antiques. The museum has a very rich heritage that has made the French very proud and kept visitors coming through its doors.

Sunday 11 January 2015

Canals of Venice

The beautiful city of Venice is surrounded by water and is located in northern Italy. The capital of Venice is Veneto. It is commonly known as the city of lovers, the city of water or the city of bridges. It is spread over 118 Islands. Venice is very famous in the world because of its numerous canals.
The city has a total of 150 canals and the most important canal in Venice is called the Grand Canal. It is responsible for managing the traffic in water by corridor management. Rather than visiting areas of Venice by car, it is very common to find water buses and water taxis that are used for transportation.
During the day time, the city is very crowded with visitors all across the world trying to experience what the city has to offer. Narrow yet beautiful canals, bridges and streets give a very different feel than many other places.
Motor boats are not allowed to travel in small canals that are narrow. The city has almost 400 bridges and the Grand Canal cuts the city equally into two proportionate halves from the north to the south. The total length of the Grand Canal is three kilometers. One of the constant threats that the city is the weakening infrastructure of the buildings.

Saturday 10 January 2015

Palace of Versailles

The Palace of Versailles is one of the most prominent châteaus in France, located 20 km southwest of Paris. Before the château was constructed, Versailles was only a small village. Today it is one of the wealthiest suburbs in all of Paris. In the late 17th century, Versailles was also considered the strongest political powerhouse where the monarch used to sit. Following the onset of the French Revolution, however, the royal family had to move back to Paris.
The palace covers a total area of 110,000 square meters and includes 700 rooms, 67 staircases, and more that 200 windows. It is home to numerous paintings, handmade sculptures, drawings, objects and furniture from different centuries.
In 1038, the term Versailles was first coined. Construction on Versailles began in 1624 and included more than 36,000 people who worked on it. Its design has also influenced other cities, including Washington D.C., which has a similar layout based on the street grid of Versailles. Its unique design and construction are just a couple reasons the Palace of Versailles is a popular tourist destination.

Thursday 8 January 2015

Carlsbad Caverns National Park

Carlsbad Caverns National Park is located in the southeast region of New Mexico in the United States. It is open to the public every day of the year except December 25, but its most frequented day is July 4th every year. Tourists can enter through the natural entrance and hike by themselves to explore the cave or they can go through one of the other two entries. One entry is located in the Rattlesnake Springs Historic District and the other is in the Cacesern Historic District.
Jim White discovered the Carlsbad Caverns, and he gave some of the rooms their names, including the Big Room, King’s Palace, New Mexico Room, Papoose Room, Queen’s Chamber, and Green Lake Room. He also named other important formations, including Totem Pole, Giant Dome, Witch’s Finger, Bottomless Pit, Iceberg Rock, Fairyland, Temple of the Sun, and Rock of Ages. There are many natural and untapped features present in Carlsbad Caverns. There are several chambers in the cave that have white stalagmites which resembled angels to the room’s discoverers. There are also 17 different species of bats that live within the park.
The most famous part of this National Park is the show cave, which is open to the public and tourists can hike by themselves via the natural entrance. One can also take the elevator that goes to the Underground Lunchroom which is 230 meters (750 ft) beneath ground level.
Out of the entire park, almost two-third has been restored in terms of its habitat and no further change will be allowed under any circumstance.

Balloon Ballroom

Located in the ceiling above the main entrance hall, this small room was first accessed by tying a rope to a bunch of balloons and floating them up into the passage.

Bat Cave

A large, unadorned rocky passage connected to the main entrance corridor that was mined for bat guano in the early 20th century. The majority of the cave’s bat population lives in this portion of the cave.

Bell Cord Room

This room was named for a long, narrow stalactite coming through a hole in the ceiling that resembles the rope attached to a church bell. This room is located at the end of the Left Hand Tunnel.

Bifrost Room

Discovered in 1982, this area is located in the ceiling above Lake of the Clouds. Its name refers to a Norse myth about a world in the sky that was accessed from Earth by a rainbow. The room was given this name because of its location above the Lake of the Clouds and its colorful oxide-stained formations.

Big Room or The Hall of the Giants

This section is the largest chamber in Carlsbad Caverns with a floor space of 33,210 square meters (357,469 sq. ft).

Chocolate High

With a maze of small passages totaling nearly a mile in combined length, this area was discovered in 1993 above a mud-filled pit in the New Mexico Room known as Chocolate Drop.

Green Lake Room

The uppermost of the “Scenic Rooms,” this is named for a deep, malachite-colored pool in the corner of the room. In the 1940s, when the military was testing the feasibility of Carlsbad Caverns as an emergency fallout shelter, the Green Lake was used to look for ripples caused by a nuclear bomb test many miles away. None appeared.

Guadalupe Room

Discovered by a park ranger in 1966, this is the second largest room in Carlsbad Caverns. It is known for its dense collection of “soda straw” stalactites.

Hall of the White Giant

This hall is a large chamber containing a huge white stalagmite. Rangers regularly lead special wild cave tours to this location.

King’s Palace

The first of four chambers in a wing known as the “scenic rooms,” King’s Palace is named for a large castle-like formation in the center of the room.

Lake of the Clouds

This is the lowest known point in the cave. It is located in a side passage off the Left Hand Tunnel. It is named for its large lake containing globular, cloud-like rock formations that formed under water when the lake level was much higher.

Left Hand Tunnel

This tunnel is a long, straight passage marked by deep fissures in the floor. These fissures are not known to lead anywhere. The Left Hand Tunnel leads to the Lake of the Clouds and the Bell Cord Room.

Mystery Room

This room is a small area located in the lower part of the cave. It is named for a mysterious and unexplained noise heard only in this room.

New Mexico Room

Accessed by means of a short slope, the New Mexico Room is located adjacent to the Queen’s Chamber.

New Section

New discoveries are still being made in this section which is described as having fissures east of the White Giant formation. It also parallels the Bat Cave.

Papoose Room

This room is situated between the King’s Palace and Queen’s Chamber.

Queen’s Chamber

Widely regarded as the most beautiful and scenic area of the cave, this is the room where Jim White’s lantern went out while exploring the caverns. He was in the dark for over a half hour.

Spirit World

Located in the ceiling of the Big Room, this area is filled with white stalagmites that resembled angels to the room’s discoverers.

Talcum Passage

This is a room located in the Lower Cave where the floor is coated with gypsum dust.

The Rookery

As one of the larger rooms in Lower Cave, a large number of cave pearls are found in this area.

Underground Lunchroom

Located in the Big Room at the head of the Left Hand Tunnel, this section contains a cafeteria that was built in the 1950s. It is also where the elevators from the visitor center exit into the cave.

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Mecca, the Holiest City in Islam

Mecca, also called Makkah, is a city in Saudi Arabia. It is the holiest city in Islam and is considered to be very sacred to Muslims. Muslims believe that it is very important to visit Mecca at least once in their lives. It is very interesting to note that almost three million Muslims pay visit to this city every year. Today Mecca is dealing with both positive and negative issues. It is still very popular for tourism, but it is having hard times dealing with infrastructure problems.
Mecca is the home of Masjid Al Haram. This is the world’s largest mosque. Initially, it was a place for trading during the 7th century. Also, till 1924, it was governed by the local sheriffs. After that, it saw a lot of modernization and growth in its size and structure. Today, it is ruled by the local municipality of Mecca by a Mayor who is directly appointed by the Government of Saudi Arabia.
The history of Mecca dates back to 2000 BC. Some people believe that Abraham built the Kaaba with his son, Ishmael. Over the years, this place had almost 360 idols. Mecca today has the biggest Mosque in the world. Every day, daily prayers are offered in it and another step is being taken by the government to renovate the entire place so that it can accommodate 900,000 people at a time. By Saudi law, non-Muslims are forbidden to enter Mecca, which is strictly enforced by the government.

Monday 5 January 2015

Kathmandu City

Kathmandu is the biggest city and the official capital of Nepal. It is located in Kathmandu Valley, which has two other cities called Lalitpur and Bhaktapur. One is the old city and the other is the new city of Kathmandu Valley. The language spoken in Nepal is Napali. Kathmandu city has a total population of 700,000 and it is the only developed and modern city in the entire Nepal.
The view from the Airport is so breathtaking as it is covered from hills all over and has untapped natural beauty and greenery all over. The main religion followed in Kathmandu is Hinduism. It is present in the center of the Himalayas and some of the peaks of the Himalayas are clearly visible.
Kathmandu has a very famous temple that is called Kaasthamandap, which was built in 1567 AD. It is also called Marusthal and is entirely made of wood. It is now rules by the government, but once, it was ruled by the royal house.
Swayambhunath and Boudhanath are two famous stupas within Kathmandu. It also has a famous Hindu shrine, called Pashupatinath. Kathmandu city, throughout the year, has honeymoon visitors visiting mostly from India. The city has a small thickly populated place where you will find monks in abundance. The city has seven most prominent groups of monuments that are rich in culture and heritage, which speak volumes about the city historic past. Durbar Square and Changu Narayan temple are very unique, which is worth a visit.
Kathmandu has some of the best five star hotels in the main city and gambling in the casino is legal.

Sunday 4 January 2015

Metropolitan Museum in New York City

The Metropolitan Museum of Art (also referred to as “The Met” Museum) is found in New York City. It is one of the largest art museums in the world. In total, this museum contains more than two million pieces of art which are divided into 19 different departments. It also has a smaller department in upper Manhattan which displays historic features of medieval art.
This museum has a collection of classical antiques, art of Ancient Egypt, paintings and sculptures of the European royals, and also American modern art. It offers exhibits of historic holdings from all of the continents and cultures, including African, Asian, Islamic and many more. It is also an encyclopedia for a full collection of musical instruments, weapons, armor, costumes and accessories from all parts of the world. The Met also has great collection of interiors right from the 1st century up until the modern age of interior design.
The making of the Metropolitan Museum is very unique. Many people from different areas and walks of life came together and began forming the museum in 1870. This group included leading businessmen, financiers, and known artists who had a notion of bringing the art and education in front of the American public. It was formally opened for the public in 1872.
The Metropolitan is known for its sleekness and rich color contrasts. The unique lighting effect adds an added touch to the polished monuments. Its architectural structure is Gothic and is governed by the local administration of New York. Tourists find this facility an ideal place for spending time with their family and friends.

Friday 2 January 2015

Mount Everest

Mount Everest, which literally means “the top or the head of the sky,” is the tallest mountain on Earth. The mountain itself touches the borders of Tibet and Nepal and is a part of the Himalayan Range. During 1856, the name of Mount Everest was Peak XV, but the Geographical Society gave it its official name in 1865 in honor of George Everest. Its total height above sea level is 29,029 feet.
Despite the fact it is the highest peak in the world, hikers and adventurers from all over the world come and attempt to climb this mountain. A whole team of climbers can help both amateur and novice climbers get to the peak. If one follows the standard route to climb, it can be quite safe. However, the problem is that the Himalayas are faced with bad weather and fast wind, leading to difficulty breathing at the high altitude.

Climbers must pay heavy amount of money to climb the mountain. This fee acts as a continuous source of income to Nepal. However, an equal amount has to be raised to get a license and permit of $25,000 to climb Mount Everest. Until 2007, 210 people have lost their lives to bad weather conditions while trying to climb Mount Everest.
There are two main routes for climbing Mt. Everest. One is from southeast of Nepal and the other is from north of Tibet. The most preferred route out of the two is the one from Nepal. The best time to start climbing is in May before the summer monsoon because the direction of the wind is quite favorable during that time. 

Thursday 1 January 2015

Wat Phra Kaew

The Temple of the Emerald Buddha, also called Wat Phra Kaew, is considered the most sacred temple (wat) of Buddha in Thailand. Wat Phra Kaew is located within the historic center of Bangkok (district PhraNakhon) inside the grounds of the Grand Palace. Within the temple is a valuable artifact called the Emerald Buddha Statue which is believed to be the idol that protects the city. The Statue of Emerald Buddha is made up of green jade (not emerald) and is dressed in gold clothes with a total height of 45 cm.
As far as the history of the statue goes, it is said that it was made in India in 43 BC in Patliputra. The statue was transferred to Sri Lanka to keep it safe. In 1784, it was placed in its current home in Thailand. The structure of the statue is called the Jasper Statue. Tourists not only come to this place because of its sacred beauty, but also to adore and admire the beautiful statue that stands in the middle of the temple. It is green in color and covered with gold. It has three different sets of clothes which are changed only by the king when the seasons change. The sets of clothes that are not used are kept safe in Regalia (public grounds) for public display. The temple is like a personal chapel of the royal family and therefore does not house any monks.
The entrance to the temple is in the rear and it faces the back of the Emerald Buddha Statue. To reach the entrance to the ubosot, the audience has to climb up to the terrace. The temple is covered entirely by a gallery, the outside of which is depicted with paintings from the Ramakien epic.