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Wednesday 12 November 2014

Baalbek & Its Ruined Temples

Baalbek is a small town situated in the Bakaa Valley, Lebanon. The city has made a name of its own because of the monumental ruined temples during the Roman period. During that time, Baalbek was called the Heliopolis, which was one the biggest sanctuaries. This is said to be one of the greatest wonders of the ancient world and one of the best built of the Roman dynasty. These are still preserved as the best piece of art by the Romans.
Some of the gods that are worshipped here are the Harmony of Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and others. The city serves as the venue for the festival called Baalbek International that happens once a year. Almost 85 km from the northeast is the city of Beirut. The Baalbek temple is said to be one of the holiest and peaceful places and it is the biggest stone construction in the entire world.
The origin of the Baalbek is still unknown and different scholars have different thoughts about its origin. Baal means “lord” and this label was given to deity of the sky. It means the Bekaa Valley’s god. Baalbek is also the place of birth of Baal. Most of the tourists in the Lebanon city come here to visit the Baalbek. It is also said that the admiration of Baal is the amalgamation form of the god Jupiter, who was then called the Heliopolitian. It is said that the history of Baalbek is rooted to 5000 years ago. A lot of tourists visit this place because of the spirituality that is attached to it.

Monday 10 November 2014

Mont Saint-Michel

Located in Normandy, France, Mont Saint-Michel (also known as Lee Mont St-Michel) is a rocky island that is famous for being the home for the medieval Benedictine Abbey and church. It was used primarily during the 6th and the 7th century as a stronghold of the Romano and British culture.
One of the stories of legend about Mont Saint-Michel is that the archangel Michael once came to St. Aubert, the bishop of Avranches, and asked him to make a church on this rocky island. However, Aubert kept ignoring him until Michael burned a hole in his skull by using only his finger. In October 709, the oratory, or place of worship, was finally constructed and dedicated to St. Michel. It is believed that St. Aubert is buried there.
In the 11th century, an Italian architect designed the Roman church building of the Benedictine Abbey that was constructed on the mount. There are numerous underground crypts and chapels which help balance the weight of the building and keep the structure supported on the ground.
In 2006, France announced that it would begin building a hydraulic dam that would remove silt surrounding the Mont Saint-Michel to make it into an island once again. The project began in 2009 and was completed by 2013. Tours of the Mont Saint-Michel are available and they typically average between 35 and 45 minutes in length.

Sunday 9 November 2014

Topkapi Palace in Istanbul

The Topkapi Palace is located in Istanbul, Turkey. The construction of the palace began in 1459 by Sultan Mehmed II and at its peak, it housed more than 4,000 people. From 1465 to 1853, it was the official residence of the Ottoman Sultans. In 1924, it was converted into a museum and was under the direct supervision of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. In 1985, the palace became a part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.
This palace has four different courtyards along with several other small buildings. Over the years, it has seen many changes, expansions, and destruction due to natural calamities like earthquakes and fires. By the 17th century, the palace was being ignored by the sultanates because they were spending more time in the newer palaces. The Topkapi Palace was only serving as a mosque, a library, an imperial treasury and other minor functions throughout that time period and beyond.
In 1924, the Turkish government decreed that the Topkapi Palace be turned into a museum. Today, the palace is a major tourist attraction which houses several collections, including Islamic manuscripts, weapons, robes, murals and even miniatures. It is operated by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and only a small section of the palace is open to the public.

Saturday 8 November 2014


Stonehenge is a prehistoric and a mystical monument that is located in the county of Wiltshire, England, about 3.2 km west of Amesbury. The Stonehenge structure is a formation of stones in a circular fashion that are standing upright. The construction of this monument started more than 5000 years ago and many tourists and visitors are amazed that they are still standing in place after such a long time.
Scholars have different theories about Stonehenge. Some say that the stones were initially erect; it was only after 2400 BC that they changed positions. Others say that the blue stones could have been the ones that were erected. Others believe the structure was built as a place of worship because all the stones are placed perfectly with the sunrise.
The site of Stonehenge is also another addition to the UNESCO and it has been a part of the World Heritage Sites since 1986. It is also protected by the Scheduled Ancient Monument and managed by English Heritage. The land on which Stonehenge is located is held by the National Trust.
Recent evidence has shown that Stonehenge has served as a burial ground from its beginning. Research shows that there are people buried there dating all the way back to 3000 BC. The huge stone formation and its mysterious past are a couple reasons why nearly 8,000,000 people visit this landmark every year.

Thursday 6 November 2014

Angel Falls, The Highest Waterfall in the World

Angel Falls of Venezuela is the highest waterfall in the world. Its total height is 3,212 feet (979 m) and drops from height of 2,647 feet (807 m). The waterfall is located in the Canaima National Park of the Bolivar State. Since the water falls from such a great height, the water is vaporizes with the blow of the winds even before it touches the ground and generates mist.
The Angel’s water falls into the Churun River which is a tributary of the Carrao River. The Angel Falls, falls from the maximum height into the deepest place. On the west part of the Canaima National Park is the Auyantepuy, which is one of the biggest and largest flat mountains ending with the steep slope and has vertical walls. This is where the tepuy falls from. The total height of this mountain is close to 3000 feet. One can view the waterfall from 2 different places. The first option is to see it from the top, sitting in a small airplane and the other one is to see from the bottom, sitting in a boat approximately 3 hours of upstream navigation in the Carrao River and the Churun River. One would have to walk through the jungle that takes you to the bottom, or should we say, the base of the fall.
The waterfall were given a new name when an American aviator found it in the year 1037. It is said that if you ever get an opportunity in your life to visit the Angel Falls, do not ever miss it.