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Thursday 15 January 2015

Victoria Harbor in Hong Kong

The Hong Kong Harbor, now known as Victoria Harbor, is located in China between Hong Kong Island and the Kowloon Peninsula. The name was changed to Victoria Harbor to represent a fleet of ships that docked there that belonged to Queen Victoria. This harbor, due to its location in the south, was favored by the British to be used as one of the largest ports for trade. Over the years the shore has undergone enormous change.
People are attracted to the harbor because it offers a beautiful scenic view of Hong Kong. This area displays spectacular fireworks during the second night of the lunar year and thus is a very popular location for tourists and locals alike. It is also used for recreation like swimming and water polo.
Starting in 1970, Victoria Harbor experienced many years of bad pollution due to the quick expansion of the manufacturing sector. Because of this many activities in the bay ceased. Today the harbor is very well maintained by the government of China and Hong Kong attracts many new and old visitors. The harbor is also fully engaged in trade and is still the best and the largest harbor in Hong Kong.

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Sistine Chapel

The Sistine Chapel in Vatican City, Italy is one of the most famous chapels in the world. It is also the official home of the Pope. The chapel is the final stop that visitors make when they are taking a tour of the Vatican Museums.
The Chapel has garnered much attention because of its amazing and intricate architecture and artwork that was carved and painted by some of the greatest artists of all time. It has a 12,000 square foot painted ceiling, parts of which were painted by Michelangelo. The paintings depict the life of Christ and Moses and took two to three years to complete. Other artwork by Raphael can be seen within the chapel. Because of these paintings, and the building’s purpose, the Sistine Chapel is considered a very holy and special place.
The chapel in the Vatican City is famous for its many of conclaves, or rooms. The most popular uses of the Sistine Chapel are the masses on Christmas Eve and Easter. During these days Vatican City is crowded with tourists and locals looking to be a part of the ceremonies.

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Alhambra Palace

The Alhambra is a palace and fortress located in Granada, Spain. The entire fortress is made up of red clay. The fort is very complex in its architecture. It was built by Moorish who was a ruler in Southern Spain. The Fortress was made on a hilly terrain on the southeast side of the city. Today, the Alhambra is one of the main tourist attractions of Spain. Many years ago it was known to be a residential place of the Muslim rulers. It has some very intrinsic and beautiful Islamic architecture.
The total length of the Alhambra is 740 meters. The strongest walls are at the citadel. Other than the west side of the Alhambra, all the other walls are weak. In total, there are thirteen towers. A river divides the Granada Valley and the Alhambra Park runs parallel to the Monte Mauror.
The Alhambra is a true reflection of the ruler Nasrid Emirate of Granada. A lot of people have used this place as a refuge. This site has a very complex mix of both the natural and manmade features that are worth visiting for. The structure itself reflects the craftsmanship of Muslims.

Monday 12 January 2015

Louvre Museum

The Louvre is the national museum of France. It is situated in the capital city of Paris. The museum is considered by many to be the best in the world. The museum covers a total area of 652,300 square feet and has more than 35,000 objects placed in it. Due to its size and vast collection of art and artifacts it is impossible to see the entire museum in a couple of hours. The collection spans from the 6th century BC till the 19th century AD.
This museum was actually built as a living space for Philip II and some remains of its original form are still present. A lot of structural changes have been made to give the Louvre its present look. The museum was inaugurated in 1739. However, due to some infrastructural problems, it was shut down for a period of almost five years. Some of the most famous pieces of art that are displayed include Antonio Canova’s Psyche, the Venus de Milo, the Mona Lisa, as well as Egyptian, Greek, and Roman antiques. The museum has a very rich heritage that has made the French very proud and kept visitors coming through its doors.

Sunday 11 January 2015

Canals of Venice

The beautiful city of Venice is surrounded by water and is located in northern Italy. The capital of Venice is Veneto. It is commonly known as the city of lovers, the city of water or the city of bridges. It is spread over 118 Islands. Venice is very famous in the world because of its numerous canals.
The city has a total of 150 canals and the most important canal in Venice is called the Grand Canal. It is responsible for managing the traffic in water by corridor management. Rather than visiting areas of Venice by car, it is very common to find water buses and water taxis that are used for transportation.
During the day time, the city is very crowded with visitors all across the world trying to experience what the city has to offer. Narrow yet beautiful canals, bridges and streets give a very different feel than many other places.
Motor boats are not allowed to travel in small canals that are narrow. The city has almost 400 bridges and the Grand Canal cuts the city equally into two proportionate halves from the north to the south. The total length of the Grand Canal is three kilometers. One of the constant threats that the city is the weakening infrastructure of the buildings.