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Sunday 18 January 2015

Egyptian Museum in Cairo

The Museum of Egyptian Antiquities is located in Cairo, Egypt. It is considered to be a national treasure. The design of the grand museum was a consequence of an international competition. This competition was held by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The architecture of the museum is very complex and it offers visitors a visually pleasing scene. The museum provides an enchanting cultural and educational experience.
The aim of the museum is to represent and display the diversity and heritage of Egypt. The museum creates a great experience for tourists by helping them connect history to the present. The Museum of Egyptian Antiquities has one of the best artifact collections in the world.
The ground floor gives a vivid history of Ancient Egypt. Every month a new artifact or piece of art is featured for visitors to view. The museum also has very important items that are more than five thousand years old. In the far end of the museum, one can find material from the “heretic” pharaoh, also known as Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV). Tourists who have a genuine interests in learning about the Egypt culture must not miss this site.

Saturday 17 January 2015

Borobudur Temple in Magelang

Borobudur, located in Magelang of Central Java, Indonesia, is said to be the greatest Buddhist stupa. A stupa is a mound that is filled with Buddhist relics. Borobudur was built before 800 A.D. It is known for its decorations, statues, exceptional up keeping and conservation. It is one of the world’s most complex buildings.
The Borobudur stupa is very large and rests on a hill. The sculptures inside represent a solar model of the universe. One can walk through five kilometers of open corridors. Visitors start their journey from the base of the temple and move to the third and highest level where there are 72 statues of the Buddha and a large monument. The walkway leads to a small downhill area and through six square and circular terraces. The stupa is adorned with 2,676 panels and 504 Buddha statues. Borobudur is not only a shrine, but also dedication to Buddha.

The Borobudur site is now owned by the United Nations Educations, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the government of the Indonesia. Some signs suggest that this site was abandoned in the 14th century. This is one of the most visited sites in Indonesia. One of the main reasons why many of visitors come to this place is to see the giant sculpture of Buddha.

Friday 16 January 2015

Valley of the Kings

The Valley of the Kings is a magnificent area in Egypt located west of the Nile River. The region contains many tombs of the new kingdom and is divided into the west and the east valley. The east valley is more famous and attracts more visitors to it as it has most of the tombs. Visitors are often awed by the symmetry and magnificence of the tombs. Despite there being so many tombs, they each have their own uniqueness. It is almost impossible to see all of them. One of the special tombs is that of King Tutankhamen. A separate ticket is required to enter this famous tomb.
Not all the tombs are open for visiting at all times. Some are only used for special occasions and some of them are closed for restoration by the government. These tombs have undergone many changes in the past 500 years. Another tomb, Thutmose III’s, is in the East Valley and is one of the ancient tombs that has its own unique history. It was constructed in an oval shape and has paintings and carvings on the interior walls. There is a metal staircase that leads visitors down into the tomb.
Horemheb, Ramesses VI’s is yet another tomb that is worth visiting. So far almost 120 rooms have been discovered, however, they are not all open to the public. Although the ones that are accessible are certainly worth the visit.

Thursday 15 January 2015

Victoria Harbor in Hong Kong

The Hong Kong Harbor, now known as Victoria Harbor, is located in China between Hong Kong Island and the Kowloon Peninsula. The name was changed to Victoria Harbor to represent a fleet of ships that docked there that belonged to Queen Victoria. This harbor, due to its location in the south, was favored by the British to be used as one of the largest ports for trade. Over the years the shore has undergone enormous change.
People are attracted to the harbor because it offers a beautiful scenic view of Hong Kong. This area displays spectacular fireworks during the second night of the lunar year and thus is a very popular location for tourists and locals alike. It is also used for recreation like swimming and water polo.
Starting in 1970, Victoria Harbor experienced many years of bad pollution due to the quick expansion of the manufacturing sector. Because of this many activities in the bay ceased. Today the harbor is very well maintained by the government of China and Hong Kong attracts many new and old visitors. The harbor is also fully engaged in trade and is still the best and the largest harbor in Hong Kong.

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Sistine Chapel

The Sistine Chapel in Vatican City, Italy is one of the most famous chapels in the world. It is also the official home of the Pope. The chapel is the final stop that visitors make when they are taking a tour of the Vatican Museums.
The Chapel has garnered much attention because of its amazing and intricate architecture and artwork that was carved and painted by some of the greatest artists of all time. It has a 12,000 square foot painted ceiling, parts of which were painted by Michelangelo. The paintings depict the life of Christ and Moses and took two to three years to complete. Other artwork by Raphael can be seen within the chapel. Because of these paintings, and the building’s purpose, the Sistine Chapel is considered a very holy and special place.
The chapel in the Vatican City is famous for its many of conclaves, or rooms. The most popular uses of the Sistine Chapel are the masses on Christmas Eve and Easter. During these days Vatican City is crowded with tourists and locals looking to be a part of the ceremonies.