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Friday 31 October 2014

Matterhorn in between Switzerland and Italy

The Matterhorn is considered one of the highest mountains in Switzerland with an average height of over 4,000 meters. Matterhorn is a mountain in the west part of the Alps mountain range, called the Pennine Alps. The peak height of the Matterhorn is 14,692 feet and it falls on the border of Switzerland and Italy. The Matterhorn is a German name that means Meadow peak in English.
The Matterhorn has two different adjacent summits with both of them located on a hundred meter long ridge that has rocks covering it. The Matterhorn has a unique pyramid shape due to erosion over the last million years.
A lot of mountaineers love to go hiking up the mountain. The attempted first ascents, however, were not very successful. History shows that scaling the mountain has not been very safe for climbers. The worst incident occurred in 1865 when many people died while climbing the mountain. During a visit to the Matterhorn, one can take a ride on the cable car, a method that is much safer and makes the mountain more accessible.

Thursday 30 October 2014

New York Skyline Its Marvelous Skyscrapers

New York City is primarily known for its busy active life and its many skyscrapers. In fact, the city is known for having some of the world’s biggest and largest skyline buildings. When people from other countries visit the United States, one of the first places they visit is New York City to see the many buildings and skyscrapers.
One of the most popular high-rise buildings is called the Top of the Rock, also referred to as the GE Building. Many people enjoy this building because of the views of the surrounding city. On the 69th floor is Rockefeller Center. The Empire State Building, which was completed in 1931, is another building to visit and there are two different observation decks to visit. The lower observation area is located on the 86th floor and the other is on the 102nd floor. Visitors can also take a tour of Ground Zero, or the place where the Twin Towers stood before the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001. Before that, these two buildings were the tallest in New York City at more than 1,720 feet tall.
Some of the other structures that help make the New York City skyline one of the most popular in the world include the MetLife Building, which is one of the 50 tallest buildings in the nation, the Conde Nast Building located in Times Square, and the Hearst Tower in Midtown Manhattan, which was constructed on the base of the older Hearst Corporation Building.

The Citigroup Center has 59 stories and is considered to be one of the most important post wars building in the city of New York. New York City also has the Time Square Building and is a unique example of the green and steel construction. Some other skyscrapers are Midtown Manhattan, Time Warner Center and the International Style.

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Marrakech City

Marrakech, or Marrakesh, is also known as the red city. It is a significant and a vital city located in Morocco. The city is situated in the foot hills of the Atlas Mountains which are covered with snow all year round. The word Marrakesh is an Arabic word and it means the land of God and idols. Marrakesh is the capital city of the Marrakech-Tensift-El Haouz region. The Europeans, Arabs and the Persians long ago used to call this place the Kingdom of Marrakesh.
The city has one of the largest traditional markets and it stays busy the entire year. Tourists come from all over the world to buy items from Marrakech. Not only does the area have a very active day life, but as the night descends, the city becomes even more interesting and active. The place is a city of entertainment and one can find great artists, drummers, dancers, musicians, comedians and storytellers.
There are countless options for dining, from fast and cheap to slow and expensive, everyone will find what they are looking for. The city does not have many historical monuments, rather, its beauty lies in the location and weather

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous icons in the world and is located on the banks of the Seine River in Paris, France. This prominent structure is made out of iron and is built on Champ de Mars. The tower got its name from the engineer who built it and it is the tallest building in the entire city. It is one of the few places in the world that is visited by more than 200,000,000 tourists since its construction in 1889 and it generates more revenue than any other monument in the world.
The tower was constructed in just three years and its initial purpose was to broadcast radio signals. It stands 1,063 feet high with a 79-foot antenna and weighs around 7,900 tons. During the time the Eifel Tower was made, many people were surprised and shocked to see its daring and intrepid shape. The engineers who were making an effort to create it were accused of trying to do an experiment. But the engineers were sure and confident of what they had in mind. They also understood the forces of the wind and knew that the structure would support stand up to the gusts. Their persistence finally paid off in 1889 when the tower’s construction was completed and it stood tall as one of the largest structures in all of Paris.
The tower has two restaurants located on the first floor. There is built-in lift that can take visitors to the top floor to witness the marvelous view of Paris, France.

Saturday 18 October 2014

Ladakh and Its Mountains

Ladakh, also called the “Land of the High Passes,” is part of the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir. It lies in between two of the world’s greatest mountain ranges, the Himalayan and the Karakorum ranges. The people who live here are migrants from the Indo-Aryan and Tibetan civilizations.
The Ladakh region is very thinly populated. It has an altitude ranging from 9,000 feet at Kargil to 21,170 feet at Saser Kanri. The temperature in winter reaches negative 22 degrees Celsius, and during summers it can go up to 20 Celsius. Ladakh has been said to be one of the few places where people can have sun stroke as well as frostbite at the same time.
Water is always scarce because the region hardly receives any rain. Ladakh does not receive rain for over 300 days in a year. The main source of water here is the melted water from the snow which is carried down by smaller streams.
There are beautiful mountains all over Ladakh and it is worth visiting if you are into mountain activities. Some of the adventures that tourists can indulge into are mountain climbing, cycling, Jeep and yak safaris and trekking. Additionally, there are a lot of monasteries in Ladakh that are worth visiting.