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Saturday 21 February 2015

Banaue Rice Terraces in Ifugao

The Banaue Rice Terraces of the Philippines have been deemed the 8th wonder of the world. They were carved from the hillside by the tribes people of Ifugao about 2,000-3,000 years ago. The tribes people dug them out with their bare hands and crude implements. Doing so they created steps in the hills where they could plant their rice. The rice terraces are still used to this day.
The terraces are considered to be one of the greatest engineering feats of mankind. If each one were connected end to end, then they would reach halfway across the globe or be 10 times as long as the Great Wall of China. It was not until 1995 that the Banaue Rice Terraces were declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
The rice terraces are like stepping stones stretching towards the sky. Some of them reach almost 5,000 feet in altitude and cover about 4,000 square miles of land. They are now beginning to show signs of erosion, and some of the terraces need maintenance. Many of the Ifugaos’ newer generations are migrating to nearby cities in search of better opportunities work opportunities as a result.
Even though it is about eight or nine hours from Manila traveling by car, the Banaue rice terraces are known to be one of the most spectacular places to see in the Philippines. They have transformed the Cordillera mountains’ barren stone into ledges that are fit to grow rice.

Bora Bora in the Leeward Islands

Bora Bora is an island within the Leeward Islands of the French Polynesia in the Pacific Ocean and is located about 140 miles northwest from Papeete. The island is completely surrounded by a barrier reef and a lagoon, which makes it a vacationing paradise for holiday travelers and tourists. At the island’s center, one can find remnants from a volcano that is now extinct and rises with two peaks, Mount Otemanu and Mount Pahia, where the highest point is 2,385 feet high. The original name of Bora Bora was given from the Tahitian language, which is better translated as Pora Pora.
Bora Bora was first sighted in 1722, but then located again in 1769 and settled in 1777. Today, tourism is a big part of the island, where many resorts have been constructed on the small island that surrounds the lagoon of the Bora Bora. The first bungalows over the water were built about 30 years ago on stilts by the Hotel Bora Bora. Now the overwater bungalows have become a standard feature for most of the resorts on the island.
Most of the island’s tourist destinations are centered around aquatic activities, but there are still some attractions to see on land. Some of the aquatic activities include scuba diving and snorkeling around or in the lagoon. There are many species of stingrays and sharks that live in the water, and some of the diving operators actually offer tourists the chance to dive with the manta rays or feed the sharks.

Saturday 14 February 2015

Potala Palace at Lhasa

The Potala palace in Lhasa, Tibet is located on what is called the Red Hill and was built by King Songtsen Gampo during the seventh century. It was struck by lightning and devastated by war which led to its destruction. However, the fifth Dalai Lama, in 1645, rebuilt the palace again. Since then, it has become the political center of Tibet. The Potala Palace actually has two palaces in it, the Red and the White Palace. The red one signifies religion and the white one is a ministerial building. This place is known for its complex construction, huge buildings, peaceful atmosphere and numerous works of art.
Once you enter the palace from the east. It takes you to the main courtyard where the Dalai Lama used to watch the Tibetan Opera. The White Palace was called the Winter Palace and the white color signified peace, calmness and togetherness. The largest hall in the White Palace is on the fourth floor, the living quarters and the offices are on the fifth floor. The Potala Palace has a beautiful Balcony that faces Lhasa.
The Red Palace exists in the middle of the Potala Palace and after the fifth Dalai Lama died, it was painted in a red color that signifies power and dignity. The walls of the Red Palace have many Buddhists stories written on them. It has three chapels. The North chapel is dedicated to the Dali lama, Buddha and his medicines. The East chapel is dedicated to the Indian monk who introduced Buddhism in Tibet. The West chapel is said to be the most luxurious chapel as it has 3,000 kg of gold and foil with hundreds and thousands of gems and pearls

Jerusalem Old City

Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and also the largest city in the country. Jerusalem Old City is said to be the oldest and the holiest city in the world. It has a history that spans back to the fourth millennium BC. The old city is full of sites that are holy and thus attract countless pilgrims from all over the world. Jerusalem is claimed to be sacred by the three major religions. It is believed by many that anyone who is a Christian, Jewish or Muslim must once pay a visit to this holy place. The old city is filled with countless temples and ruins that any tourists can visit. The old city of Jerusalem has a very strong combination of Jewish and Arab culture.
The main attractions are found in the overcrowded city which includes some remains of the Roman dynasty. The Tower of David is where King David had his final resting place. But the main focal point of attraction is where Jesus is said to have been crucified.
Jerusalem Old City is also famous for the ‘Wailing Wall’ which was once called the Solomon temple. The wall has countless scribbled messages to God that are hidden in and around the stones. The wall is a very enchanting place for tourists to come and get a firsthand experience of some common Jewish rituals. The Dome of the Rock, located at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, is a shrine that represents the holiest place of the Islam religion. Muslims believe that the site is where the prophet Muhammad ascended into heaven.

Terracotta Warriors in Xi’an

The Terracotta Warriors and Horses were erected next to Qin Shi Huang’s burial site. Qin was the first emperor in China. It is a said in folklore that these warriors are real soldiers which were buried with him so that they could guard him in his afterlife.
The Terracotta civilization dates back to 210 BC but the site was discovered by farmers in 1974. The average height of this army ranges from 6 to 6.5 feet and they are standing in proper order of their roles. The soldier sculptures appear ready to go to the war and are all fully dressed with their weapons in hand. The generals are in the front, being the tallest, followed by acrobats, bowman and infantry soldiers. This site is breathtaking and is considered one of the wonders of the world. In total, there are over 8,000 soldiers, 130 chariots, 520 horses, and 150 cavalry horses. Much of the sculptures are still buried in the ground.
It is said that the statues were constructed by local craftsman. In total, eight different kinds of moulds were used to create the face. Clay was added to the mould to give a proper structure and facial expression. All of them vary in their height and hairstyle, depending on their rank. There are a total of four pits that are seven meters deep. The fist pit is 230 meters long and has 8,000 figures. The ceiling is water proof and made of reed mats and wood.